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Icofa Ceremonies

sex., 08 de jul.


Central Florida

An opportunity coming up for the highest level Ifá initiation ceremonies. We are bringing IgbaIwa into the Sacred Ifá Grove.

Registration is closed
See other events

Horário e local

08 de jul. de 2022, 13:11

Central Florida, Central Florida, FL, USA

Sobre o evento

The Spiritual Teaching Tool Icofa elevates you into connecting with the spirit energy of Orunmila.

The Icofa is a fundamental tool available to any level Orisa and Ifá Devotee.

This single hand of Orunmila is a Full set of Ikin for men and women alike.

The Icofa also includes:

An African Ide style with a choice of either Clay or stone beads

A special rock that is infused with Esu energy

And one of your most important readings! Your Ita! ... The Odu that synchronizes you with Orunmila and your pathway with Ifá.

A write up about your Odu and the written instructions on how to connect with your hand of Ifá.

Iyanifa Vassa, OduIfa, Olufadeke will be available to coach you as well.

The next ceremonies that are opening will be July 4th. This is a high level ritual process during an Ifa Initiation! All of the highest tools will be opened and aligned.

Your Ikin will rest in the sacred earth for 3 + days absorbing the Ase. And then the Ita reading will be divined by Iyanifa Vassa +

The benefits of having this connection are endless. Your abilities of ”seeing“ and ”knowing” will become clearer and louder.

You will begin receiving messages of higher value for your path.

These are seeds that will definitely grow you!

Oluwo Fajuitan will divine and post “The Monthly Icofa” reading so you will know the Odu energy of the month divined and explainEd with The Ifá Foundation worldview.

You will then be able to place ”your” hand of Ifá into your hands and align your path with the matrix of the month. This expands you immensely! These experiences are priceless!

Knowing more prevents wasting your time and energy on fixing things …allowing you to stay focused on putting all your energy on elevating your personal vision frequency!

Be a part of The Ifá Foundation Collective to elevate yourself, your family, your community and your planet! It feels amazing!

We are offering all of the above for the exchange of $450 for a limited time.

Here is where you can begin to strengthen and elevate your life into endless possibilities:

Please include your full name at birth; your birthdate; your Mothers maiden name. And the name you go by now!

You may also order directly with Iyanifa Vassa


or text: 386-214-6489

cashap: $VassasMatrix

venmo: @Vassa-Neimark

This is an important time in our lives to do more!

Sending this message to you from

my loving Sacred Mothers direction.

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