The Sacred Orisa Gardens at Ola Olu in central Florida represent the living embodiment of the philosophy of Ifa as developed by the ancient Yoruba culture of West Africa. Ifa pre-dates the birth of Christ by several thousand years. Considered animistic – the belief in the existence of individual energies that inhabit natural objects – by Western academia, it is, in truth, much more. It is an all-encompassing world view that integrates the imperative of Good Character, the necessity for accumulating wisdom and knowledge as our first priority, the understanding that every individual action effects not only the individual, but all those you care for, the community you are part of and the planet you live upon. This and much more is woven into a powerful template for a successful life through the singular understanding that we are ALL part of an organic whole…connected by energy and mutual symbiotic self-interest as we seek to fulfill our Destiny.
Agnihotra Ritual at the Egbe Shrine
Your Guardian as a Guide

Agnihotra Ritual at the Egbe Shrine

Agnihotra Ritual at the Egbe Shrine
You would enter here in the Egbe community garden to expand your connection with a stream of ancestors that were not only part of your particular line but were also closely associated with your ancestors. This is where you come to a synchronicity with them to remember your remember and who is sharing this leg of the journey with you. A stepped copper pot is set over the water and is filled with sacred cow dung, ghee and organic brown rice...an ancient fire known as Agnihotra…a telling ceremony.
Connecting With Your Past

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This is the central Ancestor shrine which has rocks from all over the world brought by each person that comes to pray and make offerings here…joining all peoples through our streams of ancestors. A very powerful vortex here!
Meet Your Soul's Guide

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This shrine is a bit hard to capture on film…as it is an experience of going through a giant umbilical cord and meeting your guardian ancestor inside. I set up the dancing water bowl ritual in here.
Make Every Step Count

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This is the sacred Labyrinth of the 256 steps of the matrix’s. Each step in…releases something the past and brings you into your core self. I planted 333 Podycarpus here in the 22ft X 80ft long sacred journey.Sitting inside the middle and taking it all in is deep. Please read our Article on why this is a sacred and spiritual land and experience.
Nurture With The Earth

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This is Onile, Earth Mother, Gaia. She is 40 feet long…covered in one of the oldest plant forms…moss! One would lay on her moss covered body and feel the nurturing energy. Go belly to belly and feel creation.
Healing In The Arms Of Omilade

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Meet Omilade…you would come and lay in her arms on some cushions and cuddle up for some nurturing time while gazing out over the lake ..watching the water birds fly by…tapping into the energy of metamorphosis…a special feeling comes over you here that frees you from past form...
Higher Self Communication

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Inside this spiral connecting space… we go deep inside ones Ori…and balance the 3 main codes we came here to live in harmony with. This is where Destiny ceremonies are performed
Gain Clarity

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This is a shrine, known as Obatala, for opening and clearing your thoughts…a very peaceful place that allows the mind to be still.
The Will Power

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The energy matrix of Sango (a place to tap into strengthening your life’s strategy) is built here after 7 lightening strikes in the same location. Check out the orbs as we were doing a fire ceremony.
The Transformation

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A shrine to the matrix of Oya , the gatekeeper of life and death. The energy of air, the wind and change. Many transformations take place here.
Improve All Areas Of Wealth

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The Aje garden is where we tap into the golden eggs energy of wealth for health, wisdom and prosperity. Interesting things happen here!
The Opon of Manifestation

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This is the giant divining tray surround by the copper pyramid…with me with my love, Carleeta (rescue and now service dog) connect with our life’s path and replenish for a bit.
Rest & Replenish

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The 2500 sq.ft. two story home sleeps up to 13 now. Each floor has its own huge kitchen and bath. Being up in the tree tops looking into the birds nests is quite exciting. A view also off the back of the house…a several acre lake/preserve with tons of giant birds on it…along with big turtles and an alligator or two with an occasional a pair of otters playing around. The baby birds dance on the lily pads and collect their meal of the hour.